Novelai author's note guide. The Author's Note is a bit like stage directions in a screenplay, but you're telling the AI how to write instead of giving instructions to actors and directors. Novelai author's note guide

 The Author's Note is a bit like stage directions in a screenplay, but you're telling the AI how to write instead of giving instructions to actors and directorsNovelai author's note guide  After you type your own actual memory entry there, it should

Module to 'teach' the AI about a theme/concept: Title: Green's Among the Stars. I was writing a fanfic Fallout story combined with Dytopian future. My thinking was "Man NovelAI is really cool but it does just make me miss the interactivity you get with AIDungeon. I disagree that AI dungeon is a game, but if you want to write "choose your own adventure" stories like with AID, you can just copy the writing style and the AI will follow. 3. Starting at stage 0 and depending on the Insertion Order values set in the Context Settings menu, all the different parts of your story are put together to form the Context of your story. If paraphrasing two authors, list the last names of both authors connected with "&" followed by a comma and the year of publication. Most other services offer a similar concept, calling it World Information or whatever else seemed appropriate. 00 for NovelAI goes to show its competitiveness. Other guide: memory guide, co-writing guide. It offers a range of genres to choose from and provides assistance with the plot, character development, and writing style. Try: [Genre: Romance, Comedy, Slice of Life. "Director's note" Seems to refer to steering the AI with replies in [ ] brackets. I don't even bother starting a story without at least 300 tokens between the three of them. The authors note effects what the AI outputs pretty strongly. Open Novelai Storyteller, provide a prompt and select “send” for the AI generator to write a story. Upscale any image below 1024x1024 pixels for sharper and more detailed results. You should also adjust your author/memory notes and lorebook with updates relevant to the ongoing story. Lorebook's Story Context Settings. • 5 mo. I mean reading each wiki page yourself and manually paraphrasing it in a way that NovelAI can. Didn't think that would happen. ] As well as: [Style: Descriptive, Combat. # Response Length. • 1 yr. As you can see, the phrase 'inventive' seemed to have a strong effect on the 2nd conversation, and made Kayra introduce a bandit attack spontaneously. **Quickly add text to your Memory or Author’s Note, create new Lorebook entries, or ban tokens. Can also be used in Memory to help the AI keep track of the protagonist. It feels like NovelAi learns the best from chatting with it. For instance [Style: wholesome, fun, family drama] Your Lorebook is your AI's long term memory. Since you only have a total of 2048 tokens to work with for your story context + Memory + Author's Note + active lorebook entries (assuming Scroll or Opus subscription), my advice is to get really good at shortening and summarizing information. It covers common pitfalls, guides, tips, tutorials and explanations. Because it's easy to forget it's there, it's a little safer to write the instructions directly in the text, and then delete them. For instance, under the author's note if I had "[Horror Story]" (square brackets prevent leakage) the context would look like this: This is the story before the author's note. I made a module, but then I upgraded to Opus because I wanted to try Krake and now I'm a Krake man. Here is an experiment for you to try. Then, enter your prompt in the editor; the first prompt you enter will appear in yellow color. The NovelAI Diffusion Anime image generation experience is unique and tailored to give you a creative tool to visualize your visions without limitations, allowing you to paint the stories of your imagination. 5 trillion tokens (~6TB of text), is live for Opus subscribers right now. Pick one token, any token, halfway through and write them down take a screenshot of the probability distribution. It reads any use input, lorebook entries, memory, author's notes, etc. Just a quick mouse sketch or a photographed doodle can also do the job. Author's Note is a much more powerful version of this, and Lorebook is the same as Memory except each entry is only inserted into context when an Activation Key is found in the last 1000 characters of your story so that it's only in. It, therefore, has a strong effect on the AI's generations due to its proximity to the bottom,. Koboldcpp: model API tokenizer. 本記事. General rule of thumb is the more steps the higher quality. Whenever you feel stuck on something, you can just press enter on novelai an let it generate something for you. Then they added better settings for SillyTavern with respect to NovelAI compatibility, and there I had a very good experience, and then I got some settings from another user and the experience was very good, except for some cases, it exceeded by far 3. It offers a range of genres to choose from and provides assistance with the plot, character development, and writing style. • 1 yr. oh my god where do i begin. 57 Best AI Blog Writers (Ultimate Guide For 2023) H-Supertools Ai Writer Ultimate Guide (23 Quick Answers)Setting -> Theme -> scroll down -> Open Custom CSS -> Paste #editor-toolbox {line-height: 12px;} (or other values) -> Apply! Also. Driven by AI, construct unique stories, thrilling tales, seductive romances, or just fool around. NovelAI has made significant strides in the world of AI-driven content generation. You can rename these files whatever you want, as long as filename before the first ". Note: Do not forget to fill in all four highlighted areas you see in the image to generate better output for your erotic story. Authors Note is placed three lines from the bottom, making it much stronger. Novel AI's Memory vs AI Dungeon's Memory. I have found that if you fill the important boxes on the right, (forgot names, I think authors note) with the general direction you want the ai to go, it has fewer hiccups. My personal preset—Truthfully (link) Memory is a really good way to keep your story on track; By your story text alone, the AI rarely has an overview on what's going on in the story. Note: NovelAI is a living project. You need to encase the entire entry text in brackets or the AI will start to format its outputs in a similar way. 5turbo which is the one I used. My world has two divided places, wasteland and a hightech city. Sybil uses her witchcraft for good, healing the sick and injured who come to her house. Perhaps instead if guiding the generations with Author's Note, you could try insert instructions into the text and remove then later. To illustrate what this simple setup can do, here's some sample output from a "blank page" with only the example Memory and Author's Note from above. The Prompt Guidance value indicates how much the AI will respond to your prompt. Write a story and it'll try to continue it. With it you can set character motives in it and. Example: Anna - Anna is a computer. Install it somewhere with at least 20 GB of space free. ] Or whatever your story is going. While some content is reviewed by developers, this is NOT an official resource. . ] Or whatever your story is going for. authors_note - NovelAI author's note section as text. NovelAI was trained on novels, so the more novel-like your description, the better it recognizes it. 2 You're a liar! I went ahead and wrote all of my character descriptions in prose, and the AI is confusing them! If you want to enforce a certain style or plot twist, you can put it in A/N, and it will work very strongly. I'd start by checking your Memory, Author's Note, and Lorebook and seeing how many tokens you've used. In order to avoid confusion, be sure to check your Memory, Author's Note and Lorebook for any entries that refer to the old perspective, then remove them. 2. Pick your favorites to Edit, Generate Varieties or Enhance. It's a single self contained distributable from Concedo, that builds off llama. The AI pays more attention to information closer to the bottom of the context, so Author's Note has more weight than Memory, so to speak, although it's not a good idea to bloat your Author's notes too much as it can overshadow recent context. This technology is too powerful lmao. When multiple characters are in a scene add this to the authors note: [ Characters: John, Sally, Frank, Ben. As alluded to in our recent Clio text model release video it’s time to bring Inpainting into NovelAI! Inpainting is a new tool that allows you to restore or regenerate specific areas in generations or uploaded images. A lot of newer users don't seem to understand just how powerful it can be on its own. doing this keeps consistency and seems to make the Ai work less if the tags are consistent. Include a reference to the original author(s) of the work in the 'Author's Note' to guide the writing style. 2023-05-25. Yea, there have been turbo developments recently, but the good news is that the newer models work right out of the box, and require a lot less work. It covers common pitfalls, guides, tips, tutorials and explanations. My suggestion for when to use Author's Note is when you have a concept you really need to beat over the AI's head and even then only for a few. For NovelAI's dataset, some symbols were consistently used to mark certain parts of stories. Sybil is a 23 year old woman. By default, what’s written into Memory and Author’s Note will stay persistently in the context, and however many tokens they use is deducted from the 1024/2048 maximum, and the “maximum output length” set in the generation settings is also deducted, leaving the remaining number of tokens available to the regular text in the story. You need to open your lorebook and set an entry for each concept the AI should remember. Grammarly is available as a free account and a premium account. As such, any information in this guide may become out of date, or inaccurate. In this guide, I'm going to show you how to create beautiful, expressive, commercial-quality anime images with NovelAI. The following is just a quick guide demonstrating how I've been using Kayra and the new Instruct command to help make my Lorebook entries be better condensed and more well-written, as well as to help expand upon new ideas. Author’s Note / Character Bias: This extension lets you add notes or biases to your messages that affect how the AI responds to them. Summary: first, write a long enough (~3+ pages; ~750 words+) Prompt (the big text in the middle of the screen) to. This means you either have to encase each line in brackets, or do the following, much like how Author's Notes can be formatted. Decide the world, the plot, and even survival scenarios as you go. You can then ask it to undo or redo a passage. Don't forget the plethora of settings and tweaking you can experiment with. Scroll down the page until you get to the red. My personal preset—Truthfully (link) The key is to then just remove the entry once the thing happens. Author's Note is the same, except inserted a few lines from the bottom, meaning the AI will pay more attention to it. In Author's Note, keep a note of where your character is located like this: [ Place: <location> ] In Author's Note, also keep noted all relevant characters present at the location like this: [ Cast: <characters> ] Whenever you need to describe a place, object, or character, use the command [ Describe: <element you want to describe>]. The Tokenizer Tool. These can be used anywhere, even in Author's Note. You can also manually add your own settings files. Business, Economics, and Finance. Notably, NovelAI supports text generation, image generation, and text-to-speech features. 5-turbo model for free, while it's pay-per-use on the OpenAI API. " "A monster is going to attack me. You can also use it to try and hint the AI if you want something to happen: [A giant bug suddenly attacks me. The fact that, once the fine-tune is complete, you can use Fairseq-13B for $12. Description: Offer a brief summary or tagline for the. Feel free to add to or replace the existing Novel AI Prompt for. Priority: 5 - 15 or 400 (Use higher priority for higher position when sending more important context to Ai) I nsertion Position: -6 to -10 (Put the most important thing at like -6/, second-most -7, so on. Basically, there are 3 modes of NovelAI: 1. In Author's Note, keep a note of where your character is located like this: [ Place: <location> ]Go to r/writingprompts to start your story and go from there. I should have stayed on the beach! MousAID • 2 yr. The other guide mentions using an author's note, you can access it from the three bar menu next to the chat bar. Here are a few more examples of authors discovered to be included; the list may be a. How to free up extra buttons, make 48+ hotkeys. Click 'Send' in the bottom-right corner to send it. Is there any kind of tutorial around? first of all English isn't my native language and I'm having a little hard time with Novel AI settings. Delany ~424kb. I've just awoken from my adventure on the beach to find myself chained to a bed in what I assume to be a mental ward. This technology is too powerful lmao. Key features include story writing, summarization, characterization, and text-to-speech. needs less guiding than Calliope. -> Concept. If you're struggling with a specific problem not covered anywhere, feel free to provide additional information about it in this thread. , etc. py --sd-remote-port 7861 --enable-modules=caption,chromadb,summarize,classify,tts,sd. This seems to be from u/AurasVseillya 's guide, who might have. ckpt. First, make sure you write anything that happens in your game within Novelai, using prose as best you can. the tail end of your story so far, as much as fits in the 2000 token budget. Please accept our thanks for every time you have peeked into the Discord, participated in the chat, shared your NovelAI content and memes or stopped by. Listen, I’ve been using Ai dungeon for a good long while and I have always absolutely loved it. (And you shouldn't use Author's Note either. 1 But what about brackets! They— 4. 3. We offer unprecedented levels. 02. Style tagging. If paraphrasing two authors, list the last names of both authors connected with "&" followed by a comma and the year of publication. If you're struggling with a specific problem not covered anywhere, feel free to provide additional information about it in this thread. NovelAIで今のうちにやっておいた方が良いこと. 49 for 5,000 steps. • 2 mo. Euterpe was released as V0 with a. Anything goes!还是飞艺术? ,相关视频:【AI绘画】再次进化!novelai真官网版本解压即用 无需下载!这次1分钟内不用学也能会用,【AI绘画】无需安装!免费在线NovelAi智能绘画网站,[ai绘图]无需显卡,手机也行,一键学会搭建Novelai,有手就行的保姆级教程。Download the Kobold AI client from here. story file format. These can be used anywhere, even in Author's Note. The best way to make NovelAi work, is to first use OpenAi for the first 3-10 messages. Access AI writing generator NovelAI, click on the "Start writing for free" button to start a new story generation session. Scroll tier is the best to go for if you're just starting the service. 7 strength and 0. However, I was really disappointed after using it that the stories it generated were incoherent and its all over the place. Note: NovelAI is a living project. There's inline generation. Nonetheless, those should have a fixed position in the text, and it's better you do not use the Author's Note for them. The smell of a fox in heat is very strong. for anyone considering switching to novelai! before we start, this is purely from my own experience! and i used to use chat gpt-3. Sampling Methods. NovelAI can have a higher learning curve compared to Sudowrite. Since you said most of what you've read us for Sigurd, you should know that Author's Note is generally regarded as less useful for Euterpe and Krake as the larger models are easier to guide with Memory. To see the effect for yourself, try putting one of these at the top of your memory: [ Author: Natsume Akatsuki, Taro Hitsuji ] [ Author: Andy Weir, Dean Koontz ] [ Author: Randy Ingermanson ] NovelAI is using a text completion logic (i. Let NovelAI generate a response and look at the token probabilities. Tip: use Tone, Word Choice, and maybe even Author in Author's Note to influence how the AI writes. Switching gears, AI Dungeon is a real-time text-based adventure game. iterations - how many times to run the test, effectively. NovelAI is a popular alternative to Character AI. learn more. Whilst I'm having a great time playing without memory and notes, I at least want to give them a try since I'm paying for the 1024 tokens, to maybe flesh the story out a bit more. Kobold AI fosters a sense of community and collaboration among its users. 1 What is NovelAI? 5. r/NovelAi • I am laughing so fucking hard over the AI adding a fanfic author's note. Injects this text at the top of the context. Refer to The Rabbit Hole (Clio) For the current model. Instead, PicSo is. Drinking: A vixen's style of drinking is. Force the AI to experience raunchy smut. Has a tagging system which is nice. Helps fiction and non-fiction writers work faster and improve quality. However, if you want your keys to activate the Lorebook entries no matter where they are placed in the context, use the "Cascading Activation" option. In particular I don't completely understand what I should fit in "Description", "Memory" and "Author's note" ? Sorry if this is a dumb question but I can't figure out the difference between these three. Describe what you want in detail. Write a descriptive sentence halfway and let the ai finish it. 0 or 2. Instruction: Open your Novelai > Select a new story > Go to Option > Import > Select the downloaded file and import it. More information on how to use this can be found in the Injected Text section. (By the way, this review is for the storytelling tool. It was based on 8 novels from the universe, but they were really disparate stories, like one about a shaman taking on an evil spirit, and one about a cybered up psycho who takes on a megacorporation. The only info I added was into Author’s Note and the only settings that were changed were my default story settings. Note: NovelAI is a living project. noframe. さて、NovelAIを使う準備が整ったので、次はイラスト生成の基本的なやり方について詳しく見てみましょう。. ago. There are guides on advanced aspects of NovelAI on the wiki (such as Directing the AI through use of the Authors Note's box, utilizing Phrase Biases, how everything works in a technical sense) but as for writing on your part, you mostly want to use typical writing advice since the AI will do it's best to mimic the writing style it's fed when. From what I understand, the finetuning dataset (of Sigurd) includes works by Terry Pratchett, though I don't know which. Ctrl + Enter — to hit send. Happy writing!Does NovelAI have a word counter somewhere, or do I just have to paste the text into a google doc to get that?. Reply reply more reply. The lower the number the more the effect. You can literally go "You are a goose, you fly around and do goose things. Remember: Author’s Note does take up space in the limited amount of context sent to the AI every turn, so keep your entries as dense and concise as possible. Techniques shown here are unlikely to work well in Krake or Euterpe which have updated finetunes. But it will not influence generations of your own images. I just spent a bit of time writing this up. One small thing that's helped get the generations be a bit more descriptive on my end is putting this in the author's note: [ Style: vivid, descriptive, verbose, purple prose. ] Because I have come across more than once when the AI literally swaps the characters' lines, when one character abruptly begins to answer to himself. This, too, can cause the AI to de-rail. Finetune here to talk a bit about our new tokenizer that I worked on!. It's not the from-scratch model we're working on, but rather an update to our current NovelAI Anime Diffusion model. With a range of features, pricing plans, and alternatives, this review provides a comprehensive insight into what NovelAI offers. NovelAI is a monthly subscription service for AI-assisted authorship, storytelling, virtual companionship, or simply a LLM powered sandbox for your imagination. 「ランタイム」から「ランタイムのタイプを変更」を選択し「ハードウェア アクセラレータ」を. You need to encase the entire entry text in brackets or the AI will start to format its outputs in a similar way. Just write things like: "I go over to the tree and look for clues. It’s a useful tool for fiction writers looking to generate ideas and improve their craft. NovelAI definitely needs more beginner-friendly guides to get new people started. 2. Pick one token, any token, halfway through and write them down take a screenshot of the probability distribution. But I prefer a narrative style of play, so can't pass comment about dice rolls and such. Using those tokens yourself when prompting for text. Now as for world info I'll explain how prompts work. * For example, I keep track of the current season and time, as well as noting how a character who is described to be sick in the character card is now fully healed Current scene: * A reminder for the bot about the location. Lorebook Generation Overhaul: We’ve created a dedicated module for much improved Lorebook generation results. Here are some of the notable benefits: 1. Vixen: The female Drinking: A vixen's. You can create characters with. I was writing a fanfic Fallout story combined with Dytopian future. 1) should be selected and saved. According to the UKB guide: "Cascading Activation: When ON, this entry will also look for its keys in other Lorebook entries, the Memory, and the Author's note. Try Grammarly. ] The difference from the default is small but it is noticeable enough. 00 for NovelAI goes to show its competitiveness. As such, any information in this guide may become out of date, or inaccurate. The AI learns from previous writings, and so steer it towards a story full of words and beautiful descriptions. She is confident. . I would keep these quotes in the memory. So I played out the one sentence test story and it was really good. However it works best if using a third person. Anyway, AID is better as a text-based game experience, like a Dungeon and Dragon playthrough with an AI as your DM. After you type your own actual memory entry there, it should. 2021 Custom AI Module training for Opus tier. The more context you give it, the better it will be. Won't work if the AI doesn't recognize it as a name. This means that roman numerals will look a bit weird. KoboldCpp is an easy-to-use AI text-generation software for GGML and GGUF models. 50/month and allows for 3 users or more. So generally, you can use Memory for these (and it should rarely change unless something significant in your story changes): The [ Genre: ; Tags: ] block at the very top to guide. NovelAI has better AI when you know how to plan your story and/or use lorebooks. How many tokens of the chat are kept in the context at any given time. ) Yes, you can generate infinitely. (Author's last name & Second author's last name, year) Example. It covers common pitfalls, guides, tips, tutorials and explanations. By artturijalli / January 7, 2023. ; authors_note - NovelAI author's note section as text. Now that you know what AI modules are, it’s time to get hands-on. You can use this category if your character has any special Skills/Powers. Your Memory is your AI's short term memory. 2. Note: This guide is currently largely influenced by this rentry. genders, etc gets quickly messed up if you don’t guide the AI sternly and often the AI will forget about the main character and change point of view. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Reload to refresh your session. How much text you want to generate per message. This technology is too powerful lmao. Most other services offer a similar concept, calling it World Information or whatever else seemed appropriate. Skills works better than Powers. For author's note and such the tricks used on mormon. Using NovelAI is easy and requires no technical skills: Give the. Write a prompt; who, what, where. Is there any kind of tutorial around? first of all English isn't my native language and I'm having a little hard time with Novel AI settings. co) , I was met with an. 17 Jul, 2023. NovelAI utilizes cutting-edge AI to assist generating, editing, and rewriting text. This helps you diagnose Memory, Author's Note and Lorebook usage. Start a text adventure with a pokemon themed prompt. But you then have to remember to delete it as soon as it's done its work. Steps is just an extra feature, training a custom module for Euterpe. and more! For easier editing and viewing of Lorebook text, use can now the right arrow to toggle the Advanced Lorebook Settings viewability In Author's Note, keep a note of where your character is located like this: [ Place: <location> ] In Author's Note, also keep noted all relevant characters present at the location like this: [ Cast: <characters> ] Whenever you need to describe a place, object, or character, use the command [ Describe: <element you want to describe>]. For example, the sentence “The quick brown fox jumps over the goblin. Class. Our Artificial Intelligence algorithms create human-like writing based on your own, enabling anyone, regardless of ability, to produce quality literature. ago • Edited 1 yr. ] Or whatever your story is going for. NovelAIを使って技術同人4コマ漫画を作りコミケに出た話. 4. An incomplete guide, last updated August 2022. If you are doing any intense/focus NovelAI session, you would probably be better off using shortcuts than reaching for Send or Retry button. As such, any information in this guide may become out of date, or inaccurate. The Context Viewer is a powerful tool to identify what elements were used by the AI in the last generation. bits of text into generation context without actively cutting and pasting them into the actual body of your current story. It feels like NovelAi learns the best from chatting with it. . Thank you for taking the time to write this article. If you are doing any intense/focus NovelAI session, you would probably be better off using shortcuts than reaching for Send or Retry button. Once done, enter your detailed prompts on the ‘Memory,’ ‘Author’s Note,’ and the prompt section in the large text box. Head to the “Image Generation” option. If you are looking for the technical details, you can get your fill at our wandb report. I wouldn't bother using Author's Note at all if. 🧑‍🎨. It covers common pitfalls, guides, tips, tutorials and explanations. Author’s Note: A brief description of characters, plot, setting, story, time,. 2021 Sigurd V3 for all subscription tiers. Also, should you be using Krake, considering it defaults to Euterpe? I do want to use Krake, but I don’t know if Euterpe is better at text adventure. • 5 mo. Here, we're clicking 'Storyteller' to use it to generate a story. I am laughing so fucking hard over the AI adding a fanfic author's note. Download here **for . generations - how many times to take the output, concatenate, and re-feed back into the AI, like an user. NAI has a tool that shows you what is sent to the AI. Having image generation overload your servers and making you unable to provide your core service is an awful business choice. To clarify, you don't need a tablet for this. After you have done that, switch to NovelAi. Adjust Strength & Noise when applicable / Steps & Prompt Guidance / refocus your text prompt. Huh, thanks for telling me about the brackets. Please be unbiased. Citations are academically honest (Smith & Jones, 2019). Edit and repeat as needed. 5 + claude, currently using kayra on an opus subscription if that's any help. Author's note is inserted only a few lines above the new text, so it has an larger impact on the newly generated prose and current scene. The only small nitpick I would have with the article concerns the Author's Note. The subjective result is that Author’s Note has the most. Renegadesoffun. When you get started with NovelAI you. You’re not just a passive audience; you’re the scriptwriter and the star. Getting into the details, you'll notice that once you enable CFG in the "Change Settings Order" modal (Options Sidebar -> Sliders Tab -> Sampling Section) or load a preset where CFG is enabled, there will be two elements: a slider labeled "CFG Scale: " and a text box. After about ~5 hours of writing I was wondering if i was missing something or some setting to get NovelAI’s Ai responses to be more than the barebones responses I’ve been getting fed back to me. Generate one or. Speak Inputs: This will make the AI always voice-over the text you write as a new input ( blue text on default theme) preceding its next output when you hit Send. It explains the way I do things for myself, and I play. It probably always will to an extent, but it's far more prone to a lot of AIisms like repetition of phrases, full-on loops, and just plain nonsense in any adventure module I've tried. 2 noise. Figure out your prompt. Kickstarting Your First Story: A Beginner's Guide. Greetings. Also somewhat NSFW, no gore or anything just pretty disturbing) and most of the descriptive bits were. ] As well as: [Style: Descriptive, Combat. Think of this as how long the AI spends working on the image. Let NovelAI generate a response and look at the token probabilities. ago. 『ビジネス発想源』note版 5日前 11 Holaraのランダム生成がおかしすぎる件. ago. Note: NovelAI is a living project. The instruction below for the setup. ) Yes, you can generate infinitely. One correction on prompt mixing: the two subprompts are symmetric (you can test this yourself by switching them). [Horror Story] This is the last generation the AI did. It runs on a distant server. We started the stream off with a little timeline review that will lead us to the bigger projects for NovelAI in 2022. For example, you can add a note that says “This character is shy” or a bias that says “This character likes me”. NovelAI NovelAI - The GPT-powered AI Storyteller GPT. If the training or finetuning dataset for Euterpe/Krake contains enough stories that include these quotes before the ToC, then this technique will set the stage. Yes, this AI wants to be the God of Your story. NovelAI has the most features, HoloAI is the least expensive option, and KoboldAI with Colab is for those who are broke but technologically competent. NovelAI was trained on novels, so the more novel-like your description, the better it recognizes it. With NovelAI simply looping the same minimal response. Use a separate “memory” field for each POV. This will open the inpainting editor, where you can select the part of the image that will be inpainted. Step 1: Follow the main guide above. You can also just write a small little paragraph on what's going on. " r/NovelAi. 3. Of note: Perhaps unsurprisingly, Furry 1. 2021- 2022 Roadmap. py --sd-remote-port 7861 --enable-modules=caption,chromadb,summarize,classify,tts,sd. So here is my personal outline idea for thoughts, suggestions, or any constructive comments: Use a unified “author’s note” for overall story genre, writing style, general text output consistency. If you just want to img2img while keeping most of the characteristics, use the default 0. In memory, write what happened in the story so far. As such, any information in this guide may become out of date, or inaccurate. If you're struggling with a specific problem not covered anywhere, feel free to provide additional information about it in this thread. ) I was expecting something. 2.